Author: admin

Cultivating success in the dynamic realm of digital marketing, I am a seasoned SEO Project Manager with a passion for driving online visibility and business growth. With a robust background in search engine optimization and a meticulous approach to project management, I specialize in developing and implementing strategic SEO initiatives that elevate brand prominence and maximize organic traffic. Over the course of my career, I have honed my skills in optimizing websites for search engines, conducting comprehensive keyword research, and staying abreast of industry trends to ensure the highest level of campaign effectiveness. As a proactive problem solver, I thrive on analyzing data, identifying opportunities for improvement, and implementing targeted solutions to enhance overall project performance. In addition to my technical expertise, I pride myself on fostering collaborative relationships with cross-functional teams and clients. My ability to communicate complex SEO concepts in a clear and accessible manner has proven instrumental in achieving alignment on project goals and fostering a shared commitment to success. As a forward-thinking SEO Project Manager, I am dedicated to staying ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine algorithms and digital marketing strategies. Committed to delivering measurable results and exceeding client expectations, I am enthusiastic about leveraging my skills and experience to contribute to the continued success of impactful SEO campaigns.

Backlinks kaufen: Die Geheimwaffe für erfolgreiches Online-Marketing

Backlinks kaufen – ein Begriff, der in der Welt des Online-Marketings oft kontrovers diskutiert wird. Doch was verbirgt sich hinter diesem Begriff, und ist es tatsächlich eine Geheimwaffe für den Erfolg Ihrer Website? In diesem Artikel werden wir uns eingehend mit dem Thema “Backlinks kaufen” befassen und Ihnen alles Wissenswerte darüber verraten.

Was sind Backlinks und warum sind sie wichtig?

Bevor wir uns mit dem Kauf von Backlinks beschäftigen, sollten wir klären, was Backlinks überhaupt sind. Ein Backlink ist ein Link von einer anderen Website, der auf Ihre Website verweist. Diese Verweise sind äußerst wichtig für die Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) und das Ranking Ihrer Website in den Suchergebnissen.

Suchmaschinen wie Google betrachten Backlinks als Vertrauenssignal. Wenn viele hochwertige Websites auf Ihre Seite verlinken, interpretiert Google dies als Indiz für Ihre Autorität und Relevanz in Ihrer Branche. Das kann sich positiv auf Ihr Ranking in den Suchergebnissen auswirken und mehr organischen Traffic auf Ihre Website bringen.

Der Kauf von Backlinks: Chancen und Risiken

Der Kauf von Backlinks bezieht sich auf die Praxis, Links von anderen Websites zu erwerben, um das Ranking Ihrer eigenen Website zu verbessern. Diese Links können von verschiedenen Quellen stammen, darunter Link-Marktplätze, Agenturen oder sogar private Vereinbarungen mit Website-Betreibern.

Die Chancen:

  1. Schnelle Ergebnisse: Der Kauf von Backlinks kann schnellere SEO-Ergebnisse liefern, als wenn Sie darauf warten, dass andere Websites freiwillig auf Sie verlinken.
  2. Gezielte Verlinkung: Sie können Backlinks von Websites erhalten, die in Ihrer Nische oder Branche relevant sind, was Ihre Autorität in Ihrem Fachgebiet stärken kann.

Die Risiken:

  1. Qualität der Backlinks: Nicht alle gekauften Backlinks sind von hoher Qualität. Mindere Links von minderwertigen Websites können Ihrer SEO eher schaden als nützen.
  2. Google-Penalisierung: Google hat strenge Richtlinien für den Backlink-Aufbau, und der Kauf von minderwertigen Links kann zu Penalisierungen führen, die Ihr Ranking erheblich verschlechtern.

Wie Backlinks kaufen?

Wenn Sie sich entscheiden, Backlinks zu kaufen, sollten Sie äußerst vorsichtig vorgehen:

  1. Recherchieren Sie gründlich: Überprüfen Sie die Reputation der Anbieter von Backlinks und wählen Sie nur seriöse und vertrauenswürdige Quellen.
  2. Qualität vor Quantität: Es ist besser, wenige hochwertige Backlinks zu haben als viele minderwertige. Achten Sie auf Links von relevanten und etablierten Websites.
  3. Natürlich aussehende Verlinkung: Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Links organisch aussehen und nicht als manipulativ erkannt werden.


Der Kauf von Backlinks kann eine effektive Strategie sein, um Ihr SEO-Ranking zu verbessern, wenn er sorgfältig und verantwortungsvoll durchgeführt wird. Es ist jedoch wichtig, sich der Risiken bewusst zu sein und sicherzustellen, dass die Backlinks, die Sie erwerben, von hoher Qualität und Relevanz sind. Letztendlich sollte Ihre Priorität darin bestehen, hochwertige Inhalte zu erstellen, die natürliche Backlinks verdienen, da dies langfristig die sicherste und nachhaltigste SEO-Strategie ist.


In der heutigen digitalen Welt ist es für Unternehmen unerlässlich, online präsent zu sein und ihre Zielgruppe zu erreichen. Eine effektive Methode, um dies zu erreichen, ist die Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO). SEO ist ein vielseitiger Ansatz, der darauf abzielt, die Sichtbarkeit einer Website in den Suchmaschinenergebnissen zu verbessern. Hier sind 20 Gründe, warum SEO für Unternehmen wichtig ist.

  1. Erhöhte Sichtbarkeit:
    • Durch SEO-Maßnahmen kann eine Website in den Suchergebnissen höher ranken. Das bedeutet, dass potenzielle Kunden eher auf das Unternehmen aufmerksam werden und die Website besuchen.
  2. Steigerung des Website-Traffics:
    • Mit einer besseren Sichtbarkeit in den Suchmaschinen wird auch der Traffic auf der Website erhöht. Mehr Besucher bedeuten mehr Chancen für Conversions und Umsatz.
  3. Gezielte Zielgruppenansprache:
    • Durch die Optimierung für bestimmte Keywords können Unternehmen ihre Zielgruppe gezielt ansprechen. Dadurch wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit erhöht, dass Besucher, die nach spezifischen Produkten oder Dienstleistungen suchen, auf die Website gelangen.
  4. Langfristige Effekte:
    • Im Gegensatz zu anderen Marketingstrategien haben SEO-Maßnahmen langfristige Auswirkungen. Einmal implementiert, können sie kontinuierlich Traffic und Sichtbarkeit generieren.
  5. Glaubwürdigkeit und Vertrauen:
    • Unternehmen, die in den Suchergebnissen hoch ranken, werden oft als vertrauenswürdiger angesehen. SEO hilft dabei, die Glaubwürdigkeit einer Marke aufzubauen und das Vertrauen der Kunden zu gewinnen.
  6. Konkurrenzvorteil:
    • Wenn Unternehmen in den Suchmaschinenergebnissen besser abschneiden als ihre Konkurrenten, haben sie einen klaren Vorteil. SEO ermöglicht es Unternehmen, sich von der Masse abzuheben und die Konkurrenz zu überholen.
  7. Verbesserte Benutzererfahrung:
    • SEO beinhaltet auch die Optimierung der Website für eine bessere Benutzererfahrung. Eine benutzerfreundliche Website mit schnellen Ladezeiten und einfacher Navigation verbessert nicht nur das Ranking, sondern erhöht auch die Zufriedenheit der Besucher.
  8. Lokale Sichtbarkeit:
    • Für lokale Unternehmen ist SEO besonders wichtig. Durch gezielte lokale SEO-Maßnahmen können Unternehmen in den lokalen Suchergebnissen erscheinen und Kunden aus ihrer unmittelbaren Umgebung ansprechen.
  9. ROI (Return on Investment):
    • SEO bietet eine der besten Renditen im Vergleich zu anderen Marketingstrategien. Eine gut durchgeführte SEO-Kampagne kann langfristig zu einem hohen ROI führen.
  10. Langfristige Kostenersparnis:
    • Im Gegensatz zu bezahlter Werbung erfordert SEO keine fortlaufenden Zahlungen für jeden Klick oder jede Impression. Einmalige Investitionen in SEO können langfristig Kosten sparen.
  11. Mobile Optimierung:
    • Mit dem zunehmenden Gebrauch von Smartphones ist die mobile Optimierung von Websites entscheidend. SEO umfasst auch die Anpassung einer Website für mobile Geräte, um eine reibungslose Benutzererfahrung zu gewährleisten.
  12. Erreichbarkeit rund um die Uhr:
    • Eine gut optimierte Website ist rund um die Uhr verfügbar. Potenzielle Kunden können zu jeder Tages- und Nachtzeit Informationen über das Unternehmen abrufen.
  13. Verbesserte Conversion-Raten:
    • Durch die Optimierung der Website für relevante Keywords und eine bessere Benutzererfahrung können Conversion-Raten verbessert werden. Besucher, die gezielt nach Produkten oder Dienstleistungen suchen, haben eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit, zu Kunden zu werden.
  14. Integration mit anderen Marketingstrategien:
    • SEO kann nahtlos mit anderen Marketingstrategien wie Content-Marketing, Social-Media-Marketing und E-Mail-Marketing integriert werden. Es verstärkt die Wirkung dieser Strategien und optimiert das Gesamtergebnis.
  15. Veränderung des Kaufverhaltens:
    • Immer mehr Menschen suchen online nach Produkten und Dienstleistungen, bevor sie einen Kauf tätigen. SEO ermöglicht es Unternehmen, in diesem entscheidenden Moment präsent zu sein und potenzielle Kunden zu gewinnen.
  16. Anpassung an den Kundentrend:
    • Kunden suchen ständig nach neuen Informationen und Produkten. Durch SEO können Unternehmen ihre Inhalte an aktuelle Kundentrends anpassen und relevant bleiben.
  17. Messbare Ergebnisse:
    • Mit SEO können Unternehmen den Erfolg ihrer Kampagnen messen und verfolgen. Mithilfe von Analysetools können sie den Traffic, die Conversion-Raten und andere wichtige Metriken überwachen.
  18. Internationaler Markt:
    • SEO ermöglicht es Unternehmen, auf dem internationalen Markt präsent zu sein und Kunden weltweit anzusprechen. Durch die Optimierung für bestimmte Sprachen und geografische Regionen können Unternehmen ihre Reichweite erweitern.
  19. Markenbekanntheit:
    • Eine bessere Sichtbarkeit in den Suchmaschinen führt zu einer erhöhten Markenbekanntheit. Potenzielle Kunden werden auf das Unternehmen aufmerksam und erinnern sich möglicherweise an die Marke, wenn sie in Zukunft nach ähnlichen Produkten oder Dienstleistungen suchen.
  20. Entwicklung langfristiger Kundenbeziehungen:
    • Durch die kontinuierliche Optimierung der Website und die Bereitstellung hochwertiger Inhalte können Unternehmen langfristige Kundenbeziehungen aufbauen. Eine positive Erfahrung auf der Website kann zu wiederholten Käufen und Empfehlungen führen.

Insgesamt ist SEO für Unternehmen unverzichtbar, um in der heutigen digitalen Landschaft erfolgreich zu sein. Es bietet zahlreiche Vorteile, darunter erhöhte Sichtbarkeit, mehr Website-Traffic, höhere Conversion-Raten und langfristige Kostenersparnis. Unternehmen sollten SEO als eine langfristige Investition in ihre Online-Präsenz und ihren Erfolg betrachten.

SEO für Fachfirmen Google Top Platzierung und Bessere Sichtbarkeit auf Google 3 Monate paket

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Links kaufen

Logo Design

What is a logo and why do businesses need it?

A logo is a symbol or design that represents a company, organization or brand. It is often the first thing that people see when they come into contact with a business and can be used across various mediums such as a website, business cards, brochures, packaging, and more.

Professional Logo Design

Businesses need logos for several reasons:

  1. Brand recognition: A well-designed logo can help a business establish a visual identity that can be easily recognized and remembered by consumers.
  2. Building Trust: A professional and well-designed logo can convey a sense of credibility and trustworthiness for a business.
  3. Marketing and Advertising: A logo is a powerful visual element that can be used in various marketing and advertising platforms, like social media, print and online. It helps to create brand awareness, and it is a consistent visual element across all the marketing materials, making it easy for customers to identify the brand.
  4. Competitive Advantage: A creative and unique logo can set a business apart from its competitors and make it stand out in a crowded market.
  5. Facilitating Brand Loyalty: A well-designed logo can create brand loyalty by evoking emotions and building trust with customers. A logo that stands out and is easily recognizable can create a sense of familiarity and comfort for customers, making them more likely to return to the brand in the future.

In summary, a logo is a crucial element of a business’s visual identity. It helps to establish brand recognition, build trust and credibility, and create a consistent visual identity across all marketing materials.

Where can i find a good logo designer?

There are several ways to find a logo designer, including:

  1. Freelance marketplaces: Websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and 99designs connect businesses and individuals with freelance logo designers from around the world. These marketplaces allow you to view designers’ portfolios, read reviews, and compare prices.
  2. Social media: Platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook are great places to find logo designers, you can search for designers or design agencies and check out their work, you can also reach out to them and ask for their portfolio to see if they have the style you are looking for.
  3. Design agencies: Many agencies specialize in logo design and branding, you can search for them on Google, and they will have a portfolio on their website, they can also provide you with a custom design service.
  4. Referrals: Ask friends, family, or other business owners for recommendations of logo designers they have worked with.
  5. Crowdsourcing: Websites such as DesignCrowd and Crowdspring allow businesses to post design contests and receive logo designs from multiple designers.

It’s important to take the time to research and compare different logo designers or design agencies before making a decision. Be sure to review their portfolios, read reviews, and ask for references to ensure that the designer or agency can deliver the style and quality of work that you need.

Find a Logo Designer for me

Fiverr Logo Design

Professional Logo Design

Was ist Seo Visibility?

SEO Visibility

Die Suchmaschinensichtbarkeit (auch bekannt als „Suchsichtbarkeit“ oder „SEO-Sichtbarkeit“) ist der Anteil des Verkehrs, den eine Website von ihren Platzierungen in den organischen Suchergebnissen erhält.

Nehmen wir zum Beispiel an, dass Sie für ein bestimmtes Keyword auf Platz 3 rangieren.

Nun, laut unserer aktuellen Google-Branchenstudie zur Klickrate erhält das dritte Ergebnis in Google 18,6 % aller Klicks.
Das bedeutet, dass die Suchmaschinensichtbarkeit Ihrer Website für dieses spezifische Keyword 18,6 % beträgt.
Sie können die Suchsichtbarkeit Ihrer Website auch als Ganzes mit einem Tool wie SEMrush berechnen.

Diese Site-weite Zahl berücksichtigt alle Ihre Rankings. Und gibt Ihnen einen Sichtbarkeitswert, der auf jedem einzelnen Schlüsselwort basiert, für das Sie ranken.

Mit dieser Erklärung aus dem Weg, hier ist, wie Sie Ihre Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschinen verbessern können:

1. Zielen Sie auf Long-Tail-Keywords ab
Das ist der Deal:

Wenn Ihre Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschinen nicht so ist, wie Sie es sich wünschen, liegt das wahrscheinlich daran, dass Sie auf Keywords abzielen, die viel zu wettbewerbsfähig sind.

Tatsächlich ist dies ein Fehler, den ich damals gemacht habe.

Als ich mit der Keyword-Recherche anfing, wählte ich Keywords aus, die viele Suchanfragen erhielten.

Wenn ich also ein Keyword mit 9.000 Suchanfragen pro Monat gefunden habe, würde ich sagen: „Großartig! Das klingt nach einem Schlüsselwort, auf das ich abzielen sollte.“

Leider hatten viele dieser Keywords sehr hohe Keyword-Schwierigkeitswerte, wie diese:
Was bedeutete, dass ich so gut wie keine Chance hatte, für dieses Keyword zu ranken. Auch wenn mein Inhalt hervorragend war.
SEO Visibility
Deshalb empfehle ich, sich auf Long-Tail-Keywords zu konzentrieren.
Long-Tail-Keywords haben normalerweise eine geringe Konkurrenz in den SERPs.

Das bedeutet, dass Sie gute Chancen haben, die Top-3-Ergebnisse zu knacken.

Zum Beispiel habe ich kürzlich das Long-Tail-Keyword „SEMrush vs Ahrefs“ ins Visier genommen.
Long-Tail-Keywords haben normalerweise eine geringe Konkurrenz in den SERPs.

Das bedeutet, dass Sie gute Chancen haben, die Top-3-Ergebnisse zu knacken.

Zum Beispiel habe ich kürzlich das Long-Tail-Keyword „SEMrush vs Ahrefs“ ins Visier genommen.
The Ultimate SEO Training

SEO Für Fachfirmen

Online Marketing Für Firmen

SEO Für Autohändler

Spiegel Backlink kaufen

Stern Backlink Kaufen

Wikepedia Backlink Kaufen

Online Marketing für Bauunternehmer und Baufirma

Online Praxismarketing für Ärzte, Zahnärzte, MVZ und Kliniken

Backlinks kaufen

SEO Visibility

2. Überprüfen Sie die Mobilfreundlichkeit Ihrer Website
Google stuft jetzt Websites, die nicht für Mobilgeräte optimiert sind, herab.
Glücklicherweise ist es leicht zu erkennen, ob Google Ihre Website als „mobilfreundlich“ einstuft.

Das Google-eigene Tool sagt Ihnen, ob Ihre Website richtig für mobile Geräte optimiert ist oder nicht.
3. Verbessern Sie Ihre Titel- und Beschreibungs-Tags
Die organische Klickrate ist ein WICHTIGES Google-Ranking-Signal.

Und je höher Ihre CTR im Allgemeinen ist, desto höher wird Ihre Website bei Google eingestuft.
Die Frage ist: Wie bringen Sie mehr Leute dazu, auf Ihr Ergebnis zu klicken?

Schreiben Sie Titel-Tags und Meta-Beschreibungen, die Ihr Ergebnis überzeugender machen.

Insbesondere möchten Sie Titel-Tags schreiben, die Aufmerksamkeit erregen … ohne Clickbait.
Und Sie möchten, dass Ihre Meta-Beschreibungen Ihre Inhalte verkaufen.
Wenn Sie diese beiden Dinge konsequent tun, können Sie Ihre CTR erheblich steigern.

Dieser CTR-Boost kann zu höheren Platzierungen bei Google führen. Und letztendlich eine verbesserte Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschinen.

4. Bauen Sie Backlinks von relevanten Seiten auf
Es besteht kein Zweifel: Wenn Sie Ihre Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschinen erhöhen möchten, sind Backlinks ein Muss.

Aber nicht irgendwelche Backlinks.
5. Optimieren Sie Ihre Inhalte für die Verweildauer
Google möchte Webseiten bewerten, die Menschen LIEBEN.

Woher wissen sie, ob jemand einen bestimmten Inhalt liebt?


Die Verweildauer ist eines der vielen UX-Signale, die Google verwendet, um herauszufinden, ob eine Website gut zu einem bestimmten Keyword passt.

Tatsächlich hat unsere Ranking-Faktoren-Studie mit über 11 Millionen Suchergebnissen ergeben, dass Websites mit hohen Verweilzeiten tendenziell höhere Platzierungen aufweisen als Websites mit niedrigen Verweilzeiten.
6. Verbessern Sie Seiten, die auf Seite 2 ranken
Nur etwa 1 % der Google-Nutzer besuchen die zweite Seite der Suchmaschinenergebnisse.
SEO Visibility
7. Fügen Sie Ihren Inhalten LSI-Schlüsselwörter hinzu
Das Hinzufügen von Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)-Schlüsselwörtern zu Ihren Inhalten kann Google dabei helfen, herauszufinden, worum es auf Ihrer Seite geht.

Glücklicherweise ist das Finden von LSI-Schlüsselwörtern ziemlich einfach.

Alles, was Sie tun müssen, ist, in Google Bilder nach Ihrem Schlüsselwort zu suchen.

Und schau dir die kleinen Tags an, die auftauchen.
Diese Tags sind Wörter und Ausdrücke, die Google als eng mit diesem Schlüsselwort verbunden betrachtet.

Und wenn Sie diese Begriffe in Ihren Inhalten erwähnen, bestätigen Sie Google, dass es auf Ihrer Seite wirklich um dieses Keyword geht.

Hinweis: Manchmal stoßen Sie auf ein oder zwei Tags, die für Ihren Artikel keinen Sinn ergeben. Oder eine, die Ihr Schreiben roboterhaft klingen lässt. Wenn das der Fall ist, empfehle ich, sie nicht zu verwenden. Das Erzwingen von Schlüsselwörtern in Ihren Inhalten kann mehr schaden als nützen.

8. Interne Verknüpfung zwischen Seiten
Interne Verlinkung ist eine relativ einfache SEO-Technik, die einen großen Einfluss auf Ihr Suchmaschinenranking haben kann.

Alles, was Sie tun müssen, ist, Seiten auf Ihrer Website mit viel Linkautorität zu finden (der Bericht „Indexierte Seiten“ in Semrush ist dafür großartig).
9. Führen Sie ein SEO-Website-Audit durch
Das technische SEO Ihrer Website ist ein wichtiger Teil Ihrer Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschinen.

Wenn Google Ihre Website nicht crawlen und indizieren kann, wird es schwierig, sie zu ranken. Auch wenn Sie ERSTAUNLICHE Inhalte und Tausende von Backlinks haben.

Die Sache ist die: Es ist unmöglich, Ihren HTML-Code manuell auf Probleme und Fehler zu überprüfen.

Stattdessen möchten Sie ein SEO-Audit-Tool verwenden, das Probleme für Sie erkennt.

Ich persönlich mag die SEO-Audit-Funktion in Semrush.

10. Erweitern Sie Ihre „SERP-Immobilien“
Das Aufsteigen in den Suchmaschinen-Rankings ist nicht die einzige Möglichkeit, Ihre Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschinen zu verbessern.

Sie können auch mehr „SERP Real Estate“ aufnehmen.

Mit anderen Worten:

Erweitern Sie das Snippet Ihrer Website. Oder ordnen Sie Ihre Immobilien an mehreren Stellen ein.
Backlinks kaufen
How to Rank High in Google
SEO Für Fachfirmen

Wie lange dauert es, bis sich Backlinks auf das Google-Ranking auswirken?

Backlinks stellen einen wichtigen Rankingfaktor für Google dar. Doch wie viel Zeit vergeht nach der Setzung einer Verlinkung wirklich, bis Veränderungen im Google-Ranking sichtbar werden?

Bis zufriedene Kunden im realen Leben Weiterempfehlungen an Freunde und Bekannte weitergeben, vergeht meist einige Zeit. Gleichermaßen zeitversetzt gestaltet sich die Verbesserung der eigenen Position in den Suchergebnissen von Google.

Wie lange es dauert, bis aufgebaute Backlinks ihre Wirkung entfalten, ist eine komplexe Fragestellung, auf die es vonseiten Googles keine offizielle Aussage gibt. Sicher ist, dass zahlreiche Faktoren in die Sortierung der Suchergebnisse mit einfließen und die Auswertung einzelner Faktoren erschweren.

Über logische Schlussfolgerungen, Aussagen von Google-Mitarbeitern und Parallelen aus anderen SEO-Thematiken lässt sich dennoch eine mögliche Zeitspanne konstruieren.

Welche Faktoren bestimmen über die Dauer?

Die Anzahl der eingehenden Backlinks

Erhältst du im realen Leben in kurzer Zeit zahlreiche Weiterempfehlungen für einen Kinofilm oder ein Restaurant, ist es um einiges wahrscheinlicher, dass du den Film ansehen oder das Restaurant besuchen wirst. Geschehen diese Empfehlungen unabhängig voneinander, ohne deine Mitmenschen aktiv darauf angesprochen zu haben, verstärkt dies für gewöhnlich deinen Drang, die Aktivität zeitnah auszuführen. Der Algorithmus von Google basiert auf Weiterempfehlungen. Es ist daher davon auszugehen, dass sich Google ähnlich zum genannten Beispiel verhält.

Backlinks kaufen und nach vorne auf Google Ranking

How to Build an Email List: Best Proven Methods for 2022

The ROI for email marketing remains the highest among all marketing channels $40 for every $1 spent. No other channels come even close to these heights.

Deciding to build an email list is one thing, but actually seeing success can be quite hard for retailers. This is especially true since there are often so many other aspects of running an ecommerce store.

The two main conditions for successful email list building are the following:

Best Practices—the Do’s and Don’ts of an Email List

1. Get an email service provider

Honestly, before we even start, it’s very important that you get an email marketing provider that you’re comfortable with and which can really help you to build your email list.

Of course, at this point we’d recommend our own service, Getresponse to fulfil that need, but for the purposes of list building, there are many options to choose from.

This is one of the top list building strategies, but it will require a bit of homework from your side. What is important is that your email marketing provider has the following capabilities:

  • a variety of sign-up forms
  • the ability to send the signup to different lists
  • the ability to monitor the effectiveness of each sign-up form
  • the ability to segment your subscribers based on various behaviors
  • the ability to send automated messages based on these lists and segments

With that, you’ll have everything in place to start building your email list from scratch.

2. Keep your list healthy

A healthy email list means that you approach those people who are aware of you, engaged with your brand and have signed up for your newsletter. Only these kinds of contacts will provide you with high conversion rates and generate strong ecommerce marketing results.

Even more, 30% of subscribers change their email addresses every year, even after they join your list. So no matter how long and hard you have been collecting your emails, you should delete any inactive subscriber on a regular basis.

3. Never, ever buy an email list

Most marketers are looking for ways on how to build an email list fast. Remember, neither a free mailing list found online nor a buyable one can be your way to go. It might be fast but it’s not right.

This one is such an important point to make, and one that many new ecommerce marketers are falling for. Repeat after me: this is not how to build your email list.

There are many shady people on the internet who will sell you email lists with hundreds of thousands of “quality” (read: not quality) contacts that are perfect for your business.

But you know they’re not. You’re just hoping that at least some of them are (maybe 2% wouldn’t be bad, right?).

But that’s bad thinking.

Here’s why:

  • If you’re buying an email list, there’s a huge chance that other people are buying the same email list.
  • That email list may be a pure spam trap, or have spam traps, meaning if you send emails to those contacts, your sender’s email address and IP address will be blacklisted as spam.
  • Those people may not be spam traps, but they’re unfortunately not quality leads for your business and they mark you as spam. Think about it: 100,000 contacts marking you as spam. Your sender’s reputation is as good as dead.
  • With enough spam complaints, your email service provider will terminate your account. Your goal of building an email list is dead in the water.
  • You are violating the GDPR, as those contacts (who reside in the EU) did not opt into your list. You don’t have proof of their signup, and you can face heavy penalties.
  • You will spend a decent amount of money on acquiring that list, and for sending your campaign to the contacts on that list. But instead of sales from your email marketing activities, you will get all the consequences mentioned above.

If you want to kill your email marketing career before you’ve even started, go ahead and buy an email list. This cannot be on any brand’s list building strategies.

However, if you want to be a smart marketer, follow these proven tactics on how to build an email list from scratch.

Getting Visitors to Your Site First

Building an email list necessarily requires one thing: that you have visitors to your site. While this article focuses mainly on converting existing site traffic, we’ll quickly go over some proven methods for getting that traffic in the first place.

For the most part, you have a few options:

  • Use ads, most likely Facebook ads. Ads allow you to target your perfect audience at the time and on the platform most suitable for them. However, some ads can be quite expensive. For that reason, many ecommerce businesses opt to use Facebook ads which are cost-effective and can easily scale as your needs and business grow. Read more about the most effective ecommerce ads.
  • Create engaging content. If you create great content that has the possibility to go viral, then you can use that to bring visitors to your site. You can distribute this content as you please—on YouTube (if it’s a video), TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and anywhere else. You just need to ensure that you have a clear call to action and a link that goes directly to your store. This can be either to the home page or a specific product or landing page you’d like your visitors to see.
  • Create engaging content via SEO. Another option is to create great content on your website consistently and wait as Google and other search engines pick it up. This is a much slower strategy. It can take weeks, months or even years to see considerable growth in your organic traffic. However, the major benefits here are that it’s completely free and platform-agnostic. This means that, no matter what happens to Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. (such as policy changes or reach restrictions), you can still get traffic directly to your site.

Email List Building Tactics

1. The under estimated standard opt-in form

On most ecommerce platforms, you already know how to build an email list. That’s because one of the first, and default ways to collect email subscribers is by having a standard opt-in form on your site.

Pretty much every Shopify site will have this opt-in form enabled, normally at the bottom or in the middle of the screen.

While the opt-in form is important, it is nonetheless still quite passive. You are hoping that your visitors will sign up for your newsletters by their own will.

Furthermore, you can’t really gauge whether they’re already interested in your brand. Instead, you should be using a pop-up form.

Pop-up forms are dynamic in nature. You can set them to pop up at certain times or for certain events, and they are a great way to deliver lead magnets for lead generation.

3. The power of incentive

If you want visitors to subscribe to your email list, you need to give them something in exchange. Something that they would find relevant.

The most common incentive is to offer a discount, sale or free shipping for a limited time to incentive someone to join your list.

But don’t offer “free updates.” No one really cares about free updates, and it might even seem spammy.

4. Gamification

In order to build an email list, you need to attract and engage your visitors. Sometimes, however, discounts and sales are not enough.

In those cases, it’s a great idea to think outside of the box. There are now many interactive sign-up forms that are fun for visitors and effective for ecommerce store owners.

5. A targeted landing page

You can also build an email list outside of your home page.

When you are running your marketing and advertising campaigns, you should be focusing on specific funnels to get your sales or subscribers.

6. Powerful lead magnets

People are generally skeptical of new stores and normally quite reluctant to purchase anything the first time.

That’s why the average conversion rate for many ecommerce stores is around 3%, which means that a full 97% of visitors will leave your store and most will never come back.

In order to avoid that, you can convert your visitors into subscribers—at no cost to them—with a lead magnet.

A lead magnet is a valuable resource—like a PDF guide, ebook, gift guide, stock images, etc.—that your visitors really want and one of the best ways to build an email list.

7. Giveaways that work

Another great tactic that all ecommerce stores should be considering is to utilize the powerful giveaway, especially on your audience’s favorite social media channels

Start Building Your List Today

The Future is Borderless: How Digital Finance Can Change Payments Across Europe

We’ve already seen emerging evidence of blockchain-based borderless solutions arriving across Europe, many of which offer a glimpse into the vast potential of digital finance. 

The cryptocurrency landscape is slowly but steadily changing the way that we do business around the world. The notion of having a currency that’s free of governmental influence and the prospect of leveraging payments across borders without the process being impacted by the meddling of banks and bureaucracy is certainly an appealing one, but with the help of blockchain frameworks, we may be heading toward a brave new world of limitless possibilities. 

It was only a matter of a few years ago that the term blockchain was only known to a handful of people outside the fledgling world of cryptocurrencies. Today, the technology has become much more widely known, largely owing to the growth of Bitcoin. Although cryptocurrencies are the best-known application of blockchain today, there’s limitless potential for the technology. As a secure and fully decentralised ledger, blockchain can bring positive change to many industries. 

One sector that’s ripe for innovation can be found in the cross-border money movement in multi-commodity trading business. These companies can involve countless stakeholders, intermediaries and banks all having to push and pull in the same direction to make deals happen. 

As the data shows, the European blockchain market is set to experience sustained growth over the course of the decade, opening the door to more comprehensive use cases across the continent. 

We can already see emerging evidence of blockchain-based borderless solutions arriving across Europe and beyond, many of which offer a glimpse into the vast potential of digital finance. 


It is still not too late to profit from Bitcoin, but DO NOT hesitate because 18,802,368 pieces are already on the market, so there will be less by 900 pcs every day. Bitcoin is limited, according to some star analysts, so there will be an enormous increase in the exchange rate due to this circumstance.

Bridging borders throughout Europe.

Blockchain-based cryptocurrency transactions are already becoming available across Europe, and companies like Bottlepay have opened the door to a cross-border payment infrastructure across the continent that’s free of silos and middlemen. 

The UK-based app facilitates real-time, cross border transfers of both cryptocurrencies and fiat money and the company has recently expanded its range of services across Europe — paving the way for international payments in both Euros and Bitcoin

Both UK and European versions of the app are set to support BTC payments internationally, including the withdrawal of Bitcoin from Crypto ATMs and online merchants. 

Bottlepay is also highly in tune with social networks, and is leveraging payments via Twitter with plans to expand its services to Reddit, Telegram, Discord and Twitch over the coming weeks and months. 

“Bottlepay is attempting to rewrite the rules when it comes to cross-border transactions. Half a billion people across the UK and Europe can now make cost-effective, instant payments to each other with a payments app that’s built on top of the Bitcoin Network,” explained Bottlepay founder, Pete Cheyne. “By launching in Europe, we are demonstrating the power of Bitcoin as an open-source monetary system.”

“We have created a payment rail that can process cross border payments immediately, at a low cost. It’s a much-needed update on the clunky, outdated payment systems available up until now, and a leap towards better financial inclusion for everyone.”

Championing security across the continent.

Blockchain technology can not only make payments across Europe more efficient, but it can also contribute to a much more secure financial ecosystem. 

Records on cross-border blockchains would be secured via cryptography. Network participants have their own private keys assigned to their transactions, which operate in a similar way to digital signatures. If these records are edited in any way, the signature will instantly become invalidated – immediately alerting the peer network to the changes occurring. 

Because blockchains are decentralised and distributed across peer-to-peer networks, the chain is synchronised through many different locations. This means that a blockchain can’t be changed from any central location, and if a hacker or external party wanted to change the data, they would need to access 51 percent of the participants and alter their information simultaneously — an act that would require immense computing power. 

It’s this attention to privacy that can be invaluable for large-scale cross-border transactions on the continent. The blockchain technology to support such privacy is constantly evolving, too. 

We can see evidence of the future of blockchain in the recent development of Avalanche, the revolutionary consensus algorithm that powers eCash — the new cryptocurrency devised by industry stalwart and innovator, Amaury Sechet. 

Sechet was a central part of Bitcoin ABC movement and is now turning his attention to redefining wealth by creating a pragmatic cryptocurrency that will enable instant, borderless transactions that prioritise security against central influence and fork-free upgrades. 

Driving emerging technology adoption.

Blockchain-powered payments are also helping emerging industries to accelerate their growth across Europe. 

European electric vehicle drivers, for instance, will now be able to recharge their cars through the use of cryptocurrencies after a collaboration between two fintech platforms paved the way for a more universal payment option for 50,000 charging points across the continent. 

Driving this change is Vourity, a Swedish payments firm, and Hips Payment Group in a partnership to empower EV users in Europe. Hips’ network has its own cryptocurrency, MTO, and its blockchain-based payments process intends to match consumer protections offered by credit card providers albeit with more flexibility. 

“We want to make it easy for drivers to charge their car, and offering an open platform that allows for crypto payments is the most logical choice for our next-generation world,” said Hans Nottehed, Vourity CEO.

This development has enabled users around Europe to use cryptocurrency payments as easily as they can use Apple Pay, Google Pay, Swish and Bluecode to charge their cars.

Although the move is very niche in its application at this stage, it provides valuable options to electric vehicle owners and offers them a consistent choice for payment no matter where they go in Europe — making it the perfect example of the freedom that blockchain-driven cryptocurrencies are capable of providing both businesses and consumers around the continent.


Tim Draper venture capitalist told these to CNBC, who thinks that Bitcoin is going to be worth up to $250,000. Tim Draper has successfully foreseen the rise of Tesla and Skype – now he considers Bitcoin as the biggest business.

They asked the investor, whether compared to Tesla, Hotmail and Skype, where he entered as an early investor, how big success does he expect from Bitcoin, and his answer was: “Bigger than all of them.”

According to the expert, Bitcoin will be worth $250k.

Build Better Websites & Funnels

In this day and age, any business that wants to thrive must go online.

With so many things going on worldwide and global changes that will forever impact the way people live and do business, going online is no longer just an option.

Not only to maintain their success but even just to survive.

Sure, there are already available tools that any business can use to run their entire company and processes digitally.

However, any minimum amount of research will tell you that most of these products are expensive, complicated, and limited in customization.

In other words, not very user-friendly, and definitely not suitable for all business owners, especially those who are less tech-savvy and might even be on a budget.

I mean, who can afford to invest thousands of dollars a month into a bunch of complicated tools, and on top of that, hire employees to manage the systems, right?

Well, if this sounds familiar in any way, I have some good news for you.

As an online marketer and blogger myself, I am always looking for new solutions for these everyday challenges we face as business owners.

Today, I am very excited to introduce you to my latest discovery.

GrooveFunnels is, by far, the best way I have found to be able to build websites, sales funnels, and sell digital products online.

The best part? It’s FREE.

But the free value does not end there…

You see, GrooveFunnels is not just a website and sales funnel builder.

The co-founder of GrooveFunnels, Mike Filsaime, is actually a veteran in the Internet marketing space and has put all his experience and expertise into one of the best suites of marketing tools I have ever seen.

I’ve also signed myself up for an account (it’s free), and for the past few days, I’ve had the chance to play around with it.

And you know what?

I can definitely tell you that this 100% free tool is perfectly capable of running your entire business, maybe even better than some of the expensive complicated tools out there.

I’m not exaggerating by any means…

From what I’ve seen so far, GrooveFunnels includes everything that I need to run my online business, all for absolutely free.

Here’s just a quick list of what I’ve gathered so far:

  • FREE sales, page, and funnel building platform
  • Possible to build my own branded websites with full navigation
  • Can integrate with my own custom domain name
  • Able to sell my products with what they call a 1-click upsell
  • Capability to integrate upsells, downsells, and order bumps
  • Even has a way to create my own powerful affiliate program for my products!

And that’s just for starters because there is so much more for me to explore!

I’m not even joking when I say that I am planning to change my ENTIRE online business over to GrooveFunnels!

I mean, why wouldn’t I?

It’s FREE, and it’s probably the BEST suite of marketing tools I have ever seen in my life.

By the way, there’s more…

I didn’t even mention some of my favorite benefits of GrooveFunnels.

As a member, I’ve also received a TON of community benefits.

I’ve been able to join their private Facebook group, connect with marketing experts inside, get help with all my problems, access private training within their own academy, ask questions through their helpdesk, and meet other like-minded entrepreneurs just like me to make the best use of these tools.

So, if you’re like me… Striving to grow your business, looking to learn more about marketing and getting to know some of the best in the industry at a more personal level, then you won’t want to miss out on this opportunity.

Sounds great, right?

But you might be asking… what’s the catch?

The catch is that GrooveFunnels is free, but for a limited time only.

GrooveFunnels is in its pre-launch phase, which means that many of the products have still yet to fully launch.

When they do, and as the products continue to get upgraded, GrooveFunnels may no longer be free anymore.

This means that now is the time to sign up for your free account, which would also qualify you for the additional software upgrades that they make as time goes on.

Awesome deal, right?

It’s called being at the right place, at the right time.

And that’s where we’re at right now 🙂

Don’t wait any longer, because I’m honestly unsure when this free offer will go away.

Do yourself a favor and sign up for your free GrooveFunnels account right now, and I will see you inside of the Facebook group.

How To Use Social Networks To Build A List

Why Your Audience on Social Networks Is Not Growing? | by Ahad Firdosi |  Design and Tech.Co | Medium

Easy Networking

Social networks have made building and widening your social contacts extremely easy. In the past, you might have had to attend numerous functions and paying for gas, food, and clothing just to show up and hand out a few business cards that later got tossed. With online social networking, the costs of networking are zero, but the rewards are immeasurable. Creating a list of social contacts online can lead to opportunities worldwide, something that local networking could never do for you.


Instead of trying to push people into getting acquainted with you or your company, wouldn’t it be great if you could get up each morning and find seven to ten new people wanting to befriend or follow you? This is completely doable with social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Once you establish a profile and a following, just your everyday activities online can draw people to you without you having to go out and find them. Even if you do choose to find people first, it’s still far easier to connect with them online and far less intrusive than trying to schedule a meeting, a phone date, or any other old-fashioned method of networking.


You’ve heard of MySpace, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, but which is the best to join? The answer to that is that you can and should join at least three of these networks, depending on your demographic. The more you join, the better and the wider your exposure; however, not every social network will match up to your business profile. MySpace, for instance, tends to be visited by a younger crowd than Facebook and Twitter. If you’re marketing to teenagers, then it’s a great place to network, but if you’re more into college-age professionals, then Facebook will be a better match for you. LinkedIn is for any working professional, although some people use it to locate jobs when they’re in the market for that too because of the number of working professionals on it.

Twitter is in a class all by itself. It can appeal to many different groups of people, and it is also the easiest platform to generate a large following on. It may take a little while to get used to it, but getting on Twitter can help you create a large social network in as little as one month if you do it right. Imagine having close to 1000 followers in little more than a month? If only 1/10th of those people look at your services or offerings when you post, you will have 100 new eyeballs to market to. Let’s be clear, however, that marketing or building a list on social networking has to follow some guidelines that we will discuss in the next section.

The Rules Of The Game

Social networks have special rules that you must follow to keep your account active. Administrators frown on spamming people with unsolicited emails and other types of commercial activities. If your goal is to build a list for commercial purposes, it’s still doable; it just has to be done more casually than you would on your own website. Self-promotion is allowed, but any time you take an email off of someone’s social networking site and add it to your email autoresponder campaigns, you are spamming them, unless they offer you permission to market to them first. Harvesting emails from these sites is thus very difficult, and this is done deliberately.


That doesn’t mean that you don’t want people to befriend or follow you on these sites. It means that you have to take care as to how you end up harvesting their email addresses. Just because someone befriends or follows you doesn’t mean that they are open to your marketing campaign and want to receive commercial solicitations. In fact, if you do send them that information, they’re likely to report you as a spammer, and you can have your account revoked. Thus, the best thing to do is to start by building your lists within the network without harvesting the emails provided there directly. You can still post status updates that promote your business or offerings, but direct emails of this variety will have to wait until later.


You should have an intermediary site ready to capture their email address later. It can be a blog that allows them to subscribe. It can be a website that isn’t that commercial. It can even be some article marketing site where they can land, read some more of your content, and then follow the resource box links back to your website. As long as the final destination offers them a chance to subscribe to your email marketing lists via some free offer, then you will have permission to market to them off of the social networking sites, where you can be a little more straightforward.


Before then, you will want to create a highly targeted list of friends and followers who have the potential to follow you back from the social networking sites to your other websites. You can do this by carefully crafting profiles that appeal to your demographics and updating your status updates with information that draws attention from that demographic. As you continue to do these two activities, more and more people will find you, and you will have a wider exposure.

Getting Targeted Lists

You don’t just want to build a large list of people who have nothing to do with your market niche; you want to have a list of people whose interests mean that they might want to buy your products and services later on. Social networks are excellent mediums for creating targeted lists because it’s easy to see what people’s interests are via their searchable profiles, and they can see yours too!


The first step to getting a targeted list together is to clearly project the right image and interests in your own profile. To do that, you want to fill out the profile as completely as possible. You also want to use your real name, as this profile should be as authentic as possible. For Facebook, for instance, you would want to add as many details of books or movies relevant to your market niche to attract the right demographic. In Twitter, you would want to give as many keywords that are relevant to the niche you are marketing as possible in the 140-character description of your profile. In LinkedIn, you would also want to give a good, accurate description of your interests and accomplishments as they relate to the market niche that you are marketing to.


Once you’ve got your own profile filled out, you can start searching via the keywords you’ve used to find others who are in your market niche and invite them to follow or befriend you back. In Facebook, they track everyone with similar interests, so all you have to do is to click on the link in any of the categories in your Info tab, and you’ll get a listing of people who have similar interests.

On Twitter, it’s just as easy to find people who have similar interests by using the Twitter search engine and looking up keywords. The Twitter search engine is separate from Twitter and can be found at You won’t just be able to locate people via their profile keywords, but also via their tweets.

Facebook and LinkedIn also have groups that you can join that can lead you to people with similar interests. You can even create your own group if that’s something you want to do. By networking with people who are in the same group as you are, you will be able to build your list fairly quickly. People like to network with people of similar interests, and this works well when you are trying to market to a specific niche. 

The Bigger, The Better

You will want to build as big a list as possible within each network. The reason for this is that the bigger your list, the more possibilities to market to later on. Also, a big list has a magnetic effect on other people who will join just to find out what all of the fuss is about. It is easier to build a big list on Twitter than on any other social networking site, but it’s possible to do it on all of the social networking sites. Here, we’ll discuss a few ways to get a jumpstart on building a big list quickly and easily.


You jumpstart every social network list by befriending or following people you know, whether they’re in your niche or not. This way, you aren’t the person with only a few people on your list. That’s never attractive. Start with people who you already know who are online. They can be work colleagues, neighbors, friends, and family. As long as you can get them to befriend or follow you back, you have the basis of a good start. Once you have a few of those, you will start to target people better so that your list can be used for marketing purposes later.


To build your list quickly, you should expect to add a couple of hundred followers a day on Twitter and 20 or so on Facebook. You will find these people by searching for your similar interests, as stated in the previous section. Facebook is much more stringent with the number of mass befriendings you can do before they peg you as a spammer and throw you out, so be careful. With LinkedIn, you should also seek to add numerous contacts each day. They won’t immediately befriend or follow you back, but eventually, about 30% will do so out of pure courtesy. That’s a quick way to build a list.


Here’s a quick and easy trick to get a targeted list almost instantly: Befriend your friend’s friends on Facebook. You can go to any friend who is within your market niche and look into his/her friends list if he/she hasn’t made it private. From there, you can befriend those friends and see if they return the favor. You can also do this on Twitter by following someone within your market niche who has many followers and just going down the list of their followers and befriending them too. As suggested earlier, this method will get you about 30% to follow back. If you follow 200 people on Twitter and 60 follow you back each day, within a month, you can expect about 1800 people to be on your list! That’s a real accomplishment and can really zoom your business to heightened levels of exposure!

Trim Your List Frequently

The funny thing about befriending or following someone is that not everyone befriends or follows you back. Some people will even befriend or follow you and then later choose to unfriend or unfollow you. Other times, they simply don’t befriend you to start with. Of either of these situations, you have to keep track of both so that it doesn’t affect how large you can grow your list. There are some limits placed on list building within networks, and when you bump into them, you may wonder why you can’t follow any more people after reaching a certain level. The key is to trim your list frequently.


This is not an issue on Facebook, since you won’t even see a person’s profile unless they befriend you too. You can send out invitations, but if they don’t befriend you, it doesn’t affect your ability to send out another invitation to befriend someone. It’s not very common to unfriend someone on Facebook, although it does happen, but that doesn’t affect you much because all it means is that you can’t see his/her profile anymore and he/she won’t see your status updates, as if the connection never happened. In that respect, Facebook assumes that if either party decides to unfriend the other, then the connection is not even a one-way; it’s non-existent. It means that the two of you haven’t connected at all. On Twitter, it’s much different, and you have to keep track of the people you are following and who is not following you back.


In Twitter, you can be happily following people, 200 a day, and within 10 days, hit 2000 people. Right about that time, you find that you can no longer follow anyone else. What happened? This is a safeguard put in place by Twitter to keep robots from coming in and doing exactly what you’re doing for the sake of building large lists. It’s a spam protection device. The key to getting around this little safeguard is to make sure that people who aren’t following you back are trimmed from your list after a few days. So, if you invite 200 and only 60 follow back, be sure to unfollow the others. That’s because you will be approaching 2000 followings too quickly, with insufficient followers who reply back. In Twitter, if you follow 20% more people that follow you back while approaching 2000 people who you follow, the entire system grinds to a halt. What a drag, right? Just unfollow the people who aren’t following you back, and you’ll be able to breeze right through that impenetrable barrier. Keep the number of people you follow either much lower or nearly equal to the people who follow you back. To tell who is not following you back and to do bulk unfollows, it’s best to visit This site makes it easy to keep track of who is not following you back, and let’s you unfollow multiple people at one time.

Start To Automate Your Activities

Is this starting to sound like a lot of work? Well, it is, but we have a few ways to make it easy to not only automate your list building, but also to cross-post between different platforms, cutting your work in half. You want to stay active on all of the social networks so that people will feel your presence there and be more inclined to contact you. In addition, frequent status updates allow you to post more about your business activities or links that will inform and entertain your friends and followers. You can use any link in your status updates to bring people back to the intermediate areas that will allow you to harvest their email addresses for use outside of the social networking sites too.


This has a paid service and a free service. The free service has some nice features that can automate the unfollowing of people who unfollow you after following you, as well as sending out a welcome message when people decide to follow you. You can even schedule tweets throughout the day so you don’t have to spend all of your time sitting in front of a PC screen. Join this site and take a look at what might work for you to automate your tweets on Twitter.


This sounds like another Twitter application, but it’s actually a Facebook application. It is called “Selective Twitter” because it allows you to have any selective tweet that you post on Twitter also updated on your status update on Facebook. This is very useful because, if you simply tied in Twitter updates to Facebook updates, your followers on Facebook would get annoyed. It’s a much different platform, and multiple status updates all day long is considered spamming on Facebook and will get you quickly unfriended or hidden. However, on Twitter, which is a microblogging platform, this is actually pretty common and expected. Use the Selective Twitter application in Facebook to allow you to post to Facebook by simply adding a hashtag at the end of your tweet like this, “#fb” (without the quotes).


What if you also have profiles on Stumbleupon, Digg, and other social networking sites? You can use to put postings on all of them from a central source. This is a very effective tool for someone who has many different profiles all over the Web and wants to update them all from a central location. It can make you appear much more active than you really are.

Facebook Strategies For Building Lists

As of now, we’ve been pretty general about different ways to build your list quickly. However, each social networking platform has its own idiosyncrasies that can be exploited to get you up and running faster. In this section, we’ll go over a simple way to get going on Facebook and how to use the features available on it to build your list.


Your profile on Facebook has a place called the Wall. There, you will have a box with the question ”What’s on your mind?” printed inside it. This is the status update part of Facebook, and it allows you to post links and comments so that your friends can see what’s going on in your life and business. The neat thing about the status update is that people can comment, rate it as “like,” and share it with their friends too. When another person does any of these actions on your status update, their circle of friends who aren’t on your friends list also see your status update. That means, when you send out a status update, it has the potential to reach many more people than just the people who are in your circle of friends. That’s why you should post status updates throughout the day and should stay active so people see more of you online. When they see something they like, many people will try to befriend you based on what you’ve said to one of your friends who is a mutual friend. Every time someone comments on your status update, reply with your own comment. This way, it will keep it up and active on more people’s news feeds than if you didn’t reply to them.


Try to find groups within your market niche and join as many as you can. Then, you want to befriend the people in the groups too. Contribute to the conversation, but find out who these people are who are in your group and get to know them better. When someone joins you on Facebook, post a brief message on his/her wall or send a link to a welcome video. If he/she likes it, he/she might share it with his/her friends too, and you’ll have an automatic wider audience.


If you choose to create your own group on a topic about your niche, you will be able to attract people from all over Facebook, not just from your immediate circle of friends. That’s because Facebook will list it as its own entity, and people will join based on the topic and not on your personal profile.

Twitter Strategies For Building Lists

Twitter is a bit easier for list building because it is more transparent, and there are many third-party sites devoted just to helping you build your Twitter following. The very easiest strategy is just to start following people within your market niche. However, there’s even a better way to identify the people who have a large influence on Twitter; by following those people and they finding you interesting enough to follow back, you’ll get a lot of good press this way.


Once you’re following them, you can try to get noticed by simply retweeting something they’ve said that appeals to you. A retweet is a device that copies a tweet of someone’s and adds it to the other person’s status update as a new tweet in his/her stream. If enough people do that, it has the potential to spread across the network like a virus, thus the naming of a “viral tweet.” If that happens, the person can reach millions in very little time and get massive exposure for himself/herself and his/her business. The way to start all this is to either tweet something interesting or to retweet something someone else said that was interesting. Often, as a matter of courtesy, people will thank other people for retweeting their tweets, and it will include the person’s Twitter username in the stream.


Another way to build a bigger list on Twitter is to participate on Follow Fridays. That’s where you post recommendations of Tweeple on your status update so that others will follow them. Many people will thank you for the recommendation and will add you to their list of Follow Friday recommendations too. It’s easy to do. Just add the hash tag #FollowFriday at the end of a list of recommended Twitter usernames, and everyone will know that you are asking them to follow these people too.

Should You Hire A Social Media Expert?

Some people just don’t want to spend any time learning social networking platforms or posting their offerings on the status updates. They would prefer if someone else did all that, while they just sit back and get the emails that result from these activities. While that’s a perfectly reasonable scenario, you do have to be aware that just about anyone can call himself/herself a social media expert, and you should take pains to hire someone who can produce results and not just hire pretty looking profiles that waste your time and money.


You want some proof that the person who is claiming expertise on social media actually has some. This can mean that you want to see high follower counts on Twitter and Facebook. You want to get a good idea of how he/she will target the people who will end up on your list. You want some idea of his/her credentials and his/her accomplishments in his/her field. If he/she can prove to you that he/she has what it takes to do the same thing for you, by all means, hire him/her.


You can also post a job on a freelance board to pay for the building of a list based on follower count. This is not a good way to go, as it doesn’t really target the right people, and it’s not an organic way to grow your list. There are, however, numerous outsourcing companies that specialize in just this thing, and since you’ll no doubt stumble upon them, it’s something that should be mentioned as being out there. Whether you actually want to do this or not, that is up to you.


Make sure they understand what it is that you are paying for, not just counts of people who are being added to your list. It should be highly targeted people who are interested in your products and services. You don’t want to pay someone to build fake profiles so they can all link to you and have you pay them. That’s useless to you. You also don’t want to use robots to follow people automatically, unless it’s highly targeted and well managed. This is another way to “hire a social media expert in a box” by getting software that lets you target and add followers in your niche without too much extra effort on your part. Hummingbird is one such package that Internet marketers use to create large, targeted lists.

Harvesting Emails To A Central List

Once you start getting a large number of followers, and you are using your status updates to market them back to intermediary areas, you will start to get a steady flow of people who are going to sign up for your free offers and giving permission to market to them. You have to be ready for that eventuality by having some service set up where you can harvest emails and create a central list for all of these people who are coming from different social networks and websites around the Internet. As long as they’re all in the same niche, they should all be on one central list. Later, you can start to separate them out into category lists for whether they are low-income, mid-income, or high-income customers.


One such service is called It is popular because it isn’t too expensive, and it has a lot of good features for email marketing. What’s the point of collecting all of these emails and not marketing to them, right? AWeber will help you to develop email campaigns so that you can track and fine-tune to create income from all of the list-building activities you’ve implemented.


Great features included in are the ability to track open and click-through rates. You will not only be able to find out who is opening your emails, but how many of those people clicked on the links within your emails. They also have the ability to do split testing, so that half of the people on your email list get one version of an email and the other half get a different version. That way, you can see if there is any improvement in the open and click-through rates, and which version appealed more to your mailing list.


After you get the hang of email marketing, you’ll want to create multiple lists and campaigns for different segments of your demographics. Maybe you want to market lower-priced products to your low-income group and more expensive products to your higher-income group. You can do this with AWeber and keep the central all-inclusive list for informational emails alone. The more you work with an email campaign manager, the more you start to see profits from the activities of list building and marketing. It can help you to plan your sales months ahead of time and to keep money flowing in so that you can pay others to do your social networking for you, while you hang around and collect the checks.


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Improve google rankings without getting penalized

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The Step-by-Step Guide to Improving Google Rankings Without Getting Penalized

The Step-by-Step Guide to Improving Your Google Rankings Without Getting Penalized

Top Google rankings are a pinnacle of online business success.

According to Backlinko, the first result on Google gets 31.7 percent of all clicks — while results on the second page receive just .78 percent of clicks.

I’ve talked to a lot of business owners and managers – newbies and veterans – who have gone crazy trying to unlock the secrets of how to improve Google ranking without getting penalized.

I wish I could tell you there’s a magic button that ranks your site #1 without fail.

The truth is, it takes resourcefulness, dedication, persistence, and creativity. This is especially true because of the constantly-changing nature of Google’s algorithm.

Increase Domain Authority Rank high in Google

While there’s no magic, there are steps you can take to soar to the top of a search engine results page (SERP).

I learned this the hard way. But luckily, you don’t have to.

I’m going back to basics with on-page SEO to help you understand the new SEO rules, learn how to optimize for both humans and search algorithm crawlers, and to master on-page and off-page SEO.

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Here are the steps I will cover in this guide:

  • Step #1: Get to know the Google ranking algorithm
  • Step #2: Assess your current search ranking
  • Step #3: Track and measure the right metrics
  • Step #4: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly
  • Step #5: Diagnose and fix your current penalties
  • Step #6: Do keyword research
  • Step #7: Perfect your on-page SEO
  • Step #8: Use your keywords to create great content
  • Step #9: Build links the right way

Step #1: Get to Know the Google Algorithm

I could jump right into some actionable SEO strategies to use on your site right now.

But I want to set you up for long-term success so you’re not penalized every time a new update rolls out.

Google executives like Gary Illyes and John Mueller confirm Google constantly changes its algorithm, even though most of these changes aren’t publicly announced.

increase google rankings without Google penalty John mu twitter confirming daily updates.

Moz estimates there are 500 to 600 Google algorithm changes per year!

While Google used to share major update announcements, the exact inner workings of the algorithm are still unknown. The majority of information is just speculation from industry professionals.

After all, if everyone knew exactly how to rank in the first position without penalties for shortcuts or black hat SEO strategies, Google wouldn’t succeed in ranking only the best results. Anyone could hack their way to the top without putting in the work.

Not only would this make it hard for honest people like you and me to succeed, but it would also seriously compromise Google’s mission statement:

Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

The best knowledge we have of Google’s algorithm comes in the form of major algorithm updates like:

  • Mobile-first update (July 2019): Googlebot now looks at all websites as a smartphone, prioritizing sites that work well on mobile devices.
  • Mobile-friendly update (April 2015): Favoring websites with mobile-friendly versions and setting the stage for future penalties if sites don’t comply.
  • Pigeon (July 2014): Worked to integrate local search results like Google Maps.
  • Hummingbird (August 2013): Aimed to understand the context and intent behind a user’s search instead of just looking at the literal words they typed.
  • Penguin (April 2012): Targeted spammers and sites that buy unnatural links to boost their rankings.
  • Increase Domain Authority Rank high in Google

Not to mention PandaGoogle EMDs (exact match domain names), and the Private Blog Network (PBN) deindexing updates. Then there’s Phantom, which first appeared in May 2013 and is believed to have been updated four times – but has never actually been confirmed by Google.

How are you supposed to keep track of all these Google updates?

There are some great resources to help. Moz’s Google Algorithm Change History is an awesome database that organizes updates chronologically. Check out Google Webmaster Central, too.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of the algorithm, let’s get down to those actionable strategies I mentioned earlier.

Step #2: Assess Your Current Google Ranking

RANK HIGH PERMANENT Do Follow verified Backlinks TOP authority with high PR ! SEO

To improve your Google ranking, you need to know where you stand. This is true even for new sites. Thankfully, there are several tools to help.

Use Ubersuggest to Check Your Site’s Keyword Rank

If you’ve been targeting specific keywords in page content, use my tool Ubersuggest to assess your rank.

Login, then use the “Traffic Overview” under the competitor report. Type in your domain, and you’ll see a list of SEO keywords your rank for, top pages, and an overview of your SEO keywords ranking.

ubersuggest report improve google ranking without getting penalty

Scroll down to view the “SEO Keywords” chart, which tells you where you rank for main keywords.

Check Your Site Speed

Next, it’s important to check site speed, as this is a still an important Google ranking factor.

If your site is slow, you have little chance of a high search position. It will affect your ability to convert and sell new customers, too.

Walmart experienced a sharp decline in conversions when its page load times increased from one to four seconds.

If this happens, it doesn’t matter what your on-page SEO, meta description, or title tags are. The search algorithm will punish you, even if you’re a giant like Walmart.

improve google ranking importance of site speed

That’s why it’s important to run your own site speed test to figure out how to improve Google rankings. There are dozens of tools that can help you do this. Some of my favorites are:

Here’s how to test your page content speed with Pingdom.

Go to and type in your URL. Choose the location you’d like to test from and click “Start Test.”

improve google ranking pindgom test

Quick Sprout registers a performance grade of 81. As long as your site registers over 50, that’s a good start.

GOOGLE TOP RANKING SEO Backlinks Manueller Linkaufbau High DA dofollow SEO local SEO Wolfsburg

If you get a performance grade of less than 50, your page content is really slow and you need to work on improving it.

improve google ranking performance grade quick sprout

Check the page load time, too.

POWERFUL Wikipedia Backlink To Increase Google Rankings and Local SEO

Quick Sprout is doing pretty well at 1.89 seconds. Aim for under 2 seconds for a really fast site and under one second for mobile devices.

Remember, a load time of more than a few seconds could cause you to lose a significant amount of site traffic.

Check Your Site’s Health

After looking at keyword search engine rank and site speed, assess the overall health of your site before you start to optimize.

Have you experienced a sudden drop in organic traffic after months or years of consistency?

Are you wondering whether Google has deindexed (or banned) your site?

There are a lot of great tools to help piece together this puzzle. Try the MxToolBox Domain Health Report tool to check for major issues in five different categories: general site problems, blacklist, mail server, web server, and DNS.

improve google ranking domain health report

Just click the box for each category to see specific errors and warnings. From there, you can work one-by-one to fix them.

improve google ranking domain health report

If you want to check if you’ve been penalized by one of the major algorithm updates, check out FE International’s Website Penalty Indicator tool.

improve google ranking website penalty indicator

You’ll see a graph that shows your site’s traffic in relation to rollouts of major updates. This comparison takes you one step closer to knowing if an update directly affected your site.

improve google ranking traffic example

To check for a Google penalty, login into Google Search Console and look for the “Security & Manual Actions” report. This will tell you if Google has taken a manual action against your site.

improve google rankings manual actions

Note that this report will only show if a human reviewer has determined your site breaks Google’s quality guidelines — it won’t tell you if a Google Algorithm update penalized your site.

If you do have a manual penalty, fix the issue (this guide on how to recover from a Google penalty can help), then submit a reconsideration request with Google.

Step #3: Track and Measure the Right SEO Metrics

Next, it’s time to track some vital metrics of your site to find out what other factors you need to improve. Here are the most important metrics to assess.

Organic Traffic

It’s important to know how visitors find your site via Google. In the past, organic search drove most website visitors, crushing non-organic channels like paid search and social media.

Today, social media, email, and paid ads often lead the pack in driving organic traffic — but that can vary drastically by industry.

To find out how many visitors reach your site, log in to your Google Analytics account and check out the acquisition channels report. This helpful Google Analytics guide will guide you.

Organic Traffic Conversions

In addition to analyzing search traffic, it’s worth paying attention to the keywords that generate traffic for your site. This is harder to see than it used to be, but is still possible.

One way to find these is a simple tool called SERP Scan. I’ve been using it to identify the keywords that convert organically for my site.

SERP Scan will show you the keywords that have sent organic traffic to your site within the last 12 months. It includes an on-page SEO keyword performance chart.

This tool makes it easy to get the data that you need from Google Analytics and to understand the broad picture relating to keywords on your site. But, you still need more.

Keyword Ranking for Transactional Keywords

The number one keyword research mistake is not spending enough time focusing on transactional keywords.

That’s because commercial keywords are the ones that drive revenue. To improve your search engine rankings and make money, you need to understand the difference between commercial and informational keywords to improve Google rankings.

If all of your keywords are informational, you will still generate organic traffic, but it may be difficult to convert those visitors to buyers or people who share on social media.

The reason is because visitors who search for informational keywords like:

  • How to clear acne with home products
  • How to install WordPress
  • Make money online for free
  • Free ebook download
  • Top 10 free article spinners

If they’re not in the buying mood, they want you to speak their language – the search engine language of free. Now, these terms can drive traffic and a solid sales funnel will convert some of those people — but not many.

In contrast, there are people who use transactional keywords that show user intent, like:

  • Best acne products
  • Top 10 web hosting providers
  • Web designers in NY

These folks are probably searching for a solution that they can buy.

If you’re in the e-commerce industry, you’ll hopefully already know that transactional keywords tend to convert well.

Keywords that have the words below as a prefix (before) or suffix (after) to the rest of the keyword phrase tend to do well:

  • Buy
  • Review
  • Purchase
  • Discount
  • Coupon
  • Deal
  • Shipping
  • Order

Earlier, I talked about the keywords that are sending you organic traffic. They should also be used in the meta description as well as on-page SEO (more on this later).

Here’s another example. Can you spot the difference between informational and transactional keywords?

improve google rankings informational vs transactional keywords

Set Up An SEO Dashboard to Track These Metrics

I recommend that you set up an SEO dashboard so that you can track all of the important metrics at any time.

Here’s how to set one up in Google Analytics. Tools like SEMRush also make it easy to track SEO efforts with an integrated dashboard — but you’ll have to pay for the tool to use it.

If you have the cash to drop on SEO tools, go for it. If you are on a small budget, however, Google Analytics should serve you just fine.

In addition to setting up dashboards in Google Analytics, you can get even richer keyword data by connecting Google Webmaster Tools to Google Analytics. Here’s a complete guide on how to do that.

Step #4: Ensure Your Site is Mobile-Friendly (and Ready For a Mobile-First Google)

GOOGLE TOP RANKING SEO Backlinks Manueller Linkaufbau High DA dofollow SEO local SEO Wolfsburg

More than half of all website traffic comes from a mobile device. That means if you want to rank well, your site needs to perform well on mobile.

While some algorithm changes remain unclear, Google left nothing to the imagination when it comes to mobile. On January 10, 2017, the Google Webmaster Blog said:

Starting today, pages where content is not easily accessible to a user on the transition from the mobile search results may not rank as high.

Then in 2020, Google moved to “mobile-first indexing” which means Google looks at websites as a mobile device. If your site is hard to navigate, your ranking will be impacted.

Luckily, it’s pretty easy to see where you stand. Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test offers a quick way to determine if your site is mobile-friendly or on its way to Penaltyville.

Just type in your URL and click “RUN TEST.”

improve google ranking mobile friendly test

The results will give you a clear “yes or no” answer along with a list of the page loading issues it encountered. This way you can fix and optimize to ensure your mobile site running smoothly.

improve google ranking mobile friendly test.

You’ll be able to look at page loading issues like redirection errors and pages where robots.txt blocked the Googlebot from crawling the page.

Google’s Search Console also has a Mobile Usability Report that will give you a list of your site’s mobile usability issues.

Tips to Make your Site Mobile-Friendly

If your site isn’t mobile friendly, add this to the top of your to-do list.

  • You can get a quick fix through services like Mobify or Duda Mobile.
  • If your website is built on a popular CMS platform, like WordPress or Wix, most themes are mobile-friendly. You may need to update your site to the latest version to take advantage of these features.
  • Make sure CTAs and form fields use large, easy to tap buttons.
  • Don’t use popups that are impossible to close. Yes, pop-ups improve conversions, but they can also annoy users.
improve google ranking be mobile friendly

For additional SEO insight, check out Google’s tips for how to improve website ranking on mobile.

Mobile and Local SEO: An SEO Friendship

There’s a strong connection between mobile and local search. Google caters to hyper-local search, connecting consumers and brands as smoothly and quickly as possible.

That’s why you should make sure your Google My Business profile is up-to-date and comprehensive.

These profiles can be a deciding factor for someone who’s searching in your area, so claim and update your business listing ASAP if you haven’t. This also goes for other local listing sites, like Yelp, Facebook, Better Business Bureau, and more.

See HubSpot’s local business listings and directories list for a comprehensive look.

Step #5: Diagnose and Fix Your Current Google Penalties

Now that you understand your search ranking and have set up tracking for the most important metrics, it’s time to examine your site in detail and fix any current penalties.

This is fundamental — there is no point in promoting or building links to an unhealthy site. So before we dig in, I want to cover a few things that could get you a Google penalty.

Spammy links used to be the holy grail of driving website traffic. This Moz case study shows how one site used garbage link schemes to build inbound links.

improve google ranking avoid google penalties understand link types

The worst part is this used to work. But those days are long in the past.

Bad links do hurt your site. Use them and you can expect a Google penalty sooner rather than later.

That’s why it’s essential to think about how you generate links to your site.

As Matt Cutts said, ”links shouldn’t just LOOK natural, they should BE natural.”

improve google rankings avoid google penalties matt cutts

The sentiment remains true today.

Here’s how. Start by identifying and eliminating unhealthy links.

First, analyze inbound links to your site. There are several link analysis tools you can use to do this:

Let me walk you through a link analysis using SEOprofiler.

Sign up for a free account and go to Link Profiler → Backlinks. Let’s use

avoid google penalties backlink profile example

The results show the most important elements to look for when analyzing your backlinks:

  • Unique Active Backlinks: This shows the number of links that directly or indirectly affect your Google ranking. “Unique” means that the links are from different IP addresses. That’s one way to identify a natural link. These links have been indexed by Google in the last 90 days.
  • Nofollow links: Problogger has 10.2% nofollow links, which equals 1,522 backlinks from the total of 14,922. Google introduced the rel= “nofollow” tag in 2005 to stop spammy blog comments from artificially manipulating rankings. After the Google Penguin update was rolled out, it became essential to diversify your link profile. And as Matt Cutts mentioned, you need a mix of dofollow links (links that pass ranking value to search engines) and nofollow links (links that don’t pass ranking value).
  • Industry: If you read the content of Problogger, you might think that its industry is “blogging” or “internet marketing.” But, when you look at this analysis, it turns out to be “media.” Knowing your industry can help you identify relevant links that will improve your backlink profile in the search algorithm used by the search engine.
  • Link Influence Score: This shows how links from the website influence the search engine rankings of linked pages. The higher the score the better. As a very popular and influential site, Problogger’s score is a whopping 99%! Check your own site and see what your score is.
  • Anchor Text: Click on the link in the left menu to access data for anchor text (anchor text is the text that becomes your link and points to your page) linking into your site. Google’s Penguin update was rolled out to prevent site owners from manipulating search results with exact match anchor text. If you want to stay under the search algorithm penalty radar, diversify your anchor text.
improve google ranking importance of anchor text

It’s also important to know which links are harmful to your site so that you can remove them. Harmful links include those tha:

  • Come from PR-n/a or PR0 websites
  • Are mostly sitewide links
  • Are from referring domain names with little traffic
  • Come from sites on the same IP class address
  • Come from web pages with a lot of external links

There are many free tools to help you identify unhealthy links. Two that I’ve tried include Monitor Backlinks and Linkquidator.

Moz has a detailed tutorial on which links can harm your site and what to do about it.

Remember to export the list of unhealthy links once you find them. That way, you can refer to them later.

That’s the next step in cleaning up your link profile, and there are two ways to do it.

1. Request a Manual Link Removal: Visit the website where the unhealthy/unnatural links are coming from and contact the site owner. Ask the site owner to either remove your link (the better option) or add a nofollow tag to it.

If you have outsourced link building in the past, you can also contact the person who placed the links for you and ask that person to have the links removed. Here’s an excerpt from a post at Search Engine World to show how this works:

improve google rank manual link removal

In this case, don’t ask the site owner to remove your links because they might assume you’re a spammer and ignore you. Instead, follow this tutorial from Search Engine Journal to learn the best way to contact webmasters about link removal.

2. Use Google’s Disavow Links Tool: If you’re unsuccessful in getting unhealthy links removed, your only option is to use Google’s own disavow links tool.

While manual link removal is best, this is a good second choice.

The disavow tool is part of Google Search Console. Once you open Search Console, you’ll see a list of all of your sites.

Go to the site for which you want to disavow links. This is what you’ll see:

improve google rankings prevent google penalty with disavow link tool

When you check for unnatural links, you have the option to export the links that you find. If you have done this, upload the file and click “done.”

Like you, Google can’t actually remove the links as they don’t have access to the referring sites.

GOOGLE TOP RANKING SEO Backlinks Manueller Linkaufbau High DA dofollow SEO local SEO Wolfsburg

However, doing this authorizes Google to stop passing link juice (value) from those links to your page content.

3. Diversify Anchor Text Distribution: Anchor text can play a key role in improving or utterly destroying your search ranking. As I mentioned earlier, if you want a natural link profile, you have to diversify anchor text.

When distributing your anchor text, think about including these types:

Let’s assume your page content sells blue denim jeans. If your domain name is, how do you distribute your anchor text?

If you want to link three times from a particular site, it’s ideal to use this link profile:

  • Anchor text 1: site – target page: homepage
  • Anchor text 2: denim jeans reviews online – target page: a page where you reviewed the item
  • Anchor text 3: reviews – target page: your store

4. Avoid Over-Optimization: When you overuse anchor texts, it can result in over-optimization and can get you penalized. Geoff Kenyon suggests the percentage below:

improve google rankings anchor text tip

To avoid anchor text over-optimization, follow these two guidelines:

  1. Avoid Excessive Keyword-Tich Anchor Text: If you want to link to your internal pages on a topic, like “link building strategies,” don’t use that same keyword phrase as your anchor text. Instead, use something like “learn more about link building” or a combination of a generic plus the exact keyword. Variety is key.
  2. Avoid Irrelevant Links: What’s the point of linking to your dog training site using “best golf trainer” as your anchor? It doesn’t make sense to improve Google rankings and could actually result in a Google penalty.

If you need a detailed guide on over-optimization, see How to Avoid Over Optimization For your Site.

Step #6: Improve Google Rankings with Keyword Research

Once you are rid of unnatural links, it’s time to improve on-page SEO the right way.

One essential element of an effective inbound marketing strategy is keyword research. You won’t get far without understanding how it works.

Learn How Your Audience Finds Your Site

To be effective, you need to pinpoint the keywords that your target audience is using to find your site. Here’s how that works.

Step #1: Visit Ubersuggest, Enter your Keyword and click Search.

Step #2: Click on Keyword Ideas

Step #3: Review Keywords and Search Volume for the Month

improve google ranking with keyword research

Here’s how that helps you.

When you research keywords, you’re getting firsthand information about your target audience, the information that they want to know, and how they want it.

For example, when someone searches for “html5 tutorials for beginners,” you know the searcher is a newbie who is searching for solutions and wants content that helps with this topic.

That can guide you to write headlines and content that ranks well in the Google search results.

It’s helpful to figure out the buyer personas and customer lifecycle of your target audience, so you understand what motivates them. Then, provide relevant page content that will help you increase your Google ranking.

Alexa can help you work out audience demographics, as in the example below for Upworthy.

improve google ranking with demographics example

Remember when I mentioned transactional and informational keywords?

When you do keyword research, you can easily see whether users are simply looking for information or ready to buy.

That’s called user intent, and here’s how it looks for the keyword research example used earlier.

improve google ranking keyword idea example

In this example, free web design is an example of an informational keyword. Free web design courses is an example of a transactional keyword.

You need both informational and transactional keywords in your page content to improve the Google rankings of your website.

It’s your job to educate, inform, inspire, and build interest before recommending a product.

Informational keywords can be used to build email lists and nurture prospects before offering a product for sale.

Also, don’t ignore long-tail keywords and questions.

The rise of voice search and BERT means long-tail keywords are more important than ever before.

This guide to intergrating long tail keyterms is a good place to start.

Spy On Your Competitors’ Keywords

If your competitors are ranking ahead of you in Google search results, it’s time to spy on them.

If the search algorithm likes them, you can learn and copy their strategies.

I like to use Google Keyword Planner for this because it gives me an accurate estimate of competitors’ keyword targets.

Let’s assume you’re in the “survival knife” sub-niche. One of the authority blogs you might spy on is

On the Ubersuggest homepage, instead of inputting a seed keyword, simply type your competitor’s URL into the landing page box and click search.

Then scroll down the page until you see “SEO Keywords.” You will see the keywords that your competitor is targeting.

In addition to the keywords, other data includes:

  • Volume: The number of searches the keyword has during a month.
  • Position: The position the URL is ranked for in Google search.
  • Estimated visits: The estimated traffic the webpage gets for the keyword.

For example, your competitor ranks number 1 for the term “survival life.” With the top spot, they receive roughly 395 visitors per month for the term. So, if you’re successful in overtaking them, you know what type of traffic to expect.

This works for any niche and can help you uncover hidden keywords that will help improve your ranking.

Boost Lower Ranking Keywords

If you find your web page on page two, how can you boost its ranking to the first page of Google?

You can use the skyscraper method, popularized by Brian Dean from Backlinko.

Find a post or article that’s ranking already, improve it, and promote it everywhere. This led to a 457% organic traffic increase for him.

If you want to do this for your topic (for example, “outsourcing guide for small business”), follow this simple guide:

  • Extensively research the topic, including research studies.
  • Identify the keywords to target using the strategies I shared with you in this post.
  • Write a more in-depth post (that’s longer, more accurate, and actionable).
  • Link out to authority blogs that are doing outsourcing well.

Make sure you write a powerful and clickable headline.

For example, if your first headline is:

Outsourcing Guide For Small Businesses

You can improve it like this:

The Complete Guide to Outsourcing for Small Businesses

An In-Depth Guide on How to Outsource for Small Businesses

X Ways Outsourcing Can Revolutionize Your Small Business

Contact the blog owners that you mentioned in your post and ask them to check it out. Hopefully, you’ll get a handful of authority sites to link back to you.

Use Keyword Analysis to Improve Content

Let’s get one thing straight.

There is no optimal ratio for placing keywords in an article.

However, knowing the right keywords to target is of the utmost importance. That’s the basis of keyword analysis.

Wordstream defines keyword analysis as:

The starting point and cornerstone of search marketing campaigns. By understanding what queries qualified visitors to your website type into search engines, search marketers can better customize their landing pages to increase conversion rates.

Unless you know the queries that qualified visitors type into Google, you’ll find it difficult to improve your ranking and conversion rates.

By now, you know how to do keyword research. That’s the easy part. The difficult part is knowing which keywords are bringing in organic traffic.

Ever since Google’s “Not Provided” update, this info has been hard to come by. This guide to unlocking Not Provided Keywords will help you recover some of the data. But these days, it’s impossible to get a full view of what terms drive organic traffic.


You do want to pay attention to popular keywords, terms your competitors rank for, and Google’s “People also ask” questions.

Use this information to write on-page SEO content that matches user intent (remember that?). This will improve the Google ranking of your web pages.

How should you place your target keywords in the content?

Let’s assume you want to write an in-depth review on “best senior irons for seniors.” Here are some titles that you could use:

  • Top 10 Best Senior Irons For Seniors
  • Buyers’ Guide For The Best Senior Irons For Seniors
  • Best Senior Irons For Seniors – The Ultimate Guide

To start your introduction, you could begin like this:

There are several senior irons in the marketplace. But knowing the right one for you is the most difficult decision. If you read this guide from start to finish, you’ll know the best senior irons for seniors that are affordable and reliable.

Or, you could start your introduction by asking a question:

Do you want to find the best senior irons for seniors? This page will not just tell you about the irons but will show how to use them to improve your golf game and provide practical tips on getting a huge discount for your purchase.

Do you see how I placed the target keyword in the first paragraph, without making it seem like spam?

As I’ve said before, target a specific keyword in a natural manner – don’t just try to make it look natural.

Step #7: Increase Google Ranking With On-Page SEO

Now that you know which keywords you want to target – and should be targeting – to maximize your performance, you’re equipped to make meaningful on-page SEO changes.

Backlinko has an excellent guide that breaks down on-page SEO factors that will earn you big points with Google and your visitors.

Let’s break down a few key considerations.

Optimize Title Tags

Title tags are still a big part of determining how your site will perform.

Make sure every title tag is descriptive, unique, and catered to your targeted keywords.

Avoid using the same keywords and title tags over and over. This way, you’ll diversify your opportunities while avoiding cannibalizing your own efforts.

Say that you’re an ecommerce company. A good formula for your product pages could be:

[Product’s Name] – [Product’s Category] | [Brand Name]

Like this:

Curly Hair Leave-in Conditioner – Hair Care | Diana’s DIY

Here are a few more title tag optimization tips:

  • Use pipes ( | ) and dashes ( – ) between terms to maximize your real estate.
  • Avoid ALL CAPS titles. They’re just obnoxious.
  • Never keep default title tags like “Product Page” or “Home.” They trigger Google into thinking you have duplicate content, and they’re also not very convincing to users who are looking for specific information.
  • Put the most important and unique keywords first.
  • Don’t overstuff your keywords. Google increasingly values relevant, contextual, and natural strings over mechanical or forced keyword phrases.
  • Put your potential visitors before Google – title tags can make-or-break traffic and conversions.

Keep in mind Google shows roughly 60 characters on a SERP, but don’t cut off if a longer title suits the page content. The search snippet title Google displays can be dynamic based on the search query.

So ultimately, you might be doing yourself a favor by getting more descriptive.

Plus, desktop snippet titles are limited by pixel width, while mobile display titles are typically longer.

Here’s an example from Hobo Web:

improve google ranking title tags

In the image above, Google displays as many characters as possible from the beginning. But in the image below, Google truncates the middle of the title to show the term “Hobo” at the end to show relevance to the user’s query.

improve google rankings title tag example

While meta descriptions have negligible (if any) impact on your rankings, they still serve the important purpose of helping to determine your search snippet and adding an extra factor of uniqueness. This in turn can influence your click-through rate (CTR) from SERPs.

Use Schema Markup (aka structured data markup)

Schema markup can be thought of as extra “labels” on information that tells Google what your content means. For example, let’s say my name appears on an article, so Google displays my name in a SERP entry.

But if I use the right schema around my name in the article’s HTML, I can indicate to Google that I’m the author of the article, not just another term in a sea of indistinguishable words.

improve google ratings schema mark up example

Not only does schema markup help Google understand your website, it also makes a massive difference in attracting traffic to your website.

Schema helps give users more relevant information in a visually organized and aesthetic way.

Plus, featured snippets are featured more on mobile SERPs, which we discussed are more common in the U.S. than desktop searches.

Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper is a great tool for implementing schema markup on your site.

You can use schema tags to identify various types of SERP information, including:

  • Articles
  • Book reviews
  • Events
  • Local businesses
  • Movies
  • Products
  • Restaurants
  • Recipes
  • Software applications
  • TV episodes
  • TV episodes with ratings

This article offers a step-by-step schema markup tutorial to get you started.

Create a Sitemap to Improve Google Rankings

sitemap tells search engines about the organization of your site’s content.

That way, when Googlebot reads the file, it can more intelligently crawl your content. This helps make it more readily available for ranking on SERPs.

Sitemaps also provide valuable metadata about pages on your site like when they were last updated, how often you make changes, and how the page relates to other pages on your site.

You can use, a simple sitemap generator. If you use WordPress, there are several site map generator plugins as well.

Once you have your sitemap, check out my article on XML Sitemap to download your sitemap file, put it into the domain root folder of your website, and add the sitemap URL to your Google Webmaster account.

Now that we’ve covered some key on-page SEO factors, it’s time to discuss how to differentiate your brand from good to great with unique, strategic, and purposeful content.

Step #8: Use Keywords to Create Better Content

Although I’ve touched a bit on keyword research and placement already, in this section, we’ll look more at going leveraging those keywords that you’ve researched.

Sadly, a lot of people misunderstand the purpose keyword research and placement.

Even before Google rolled out their first Google Panda update, the best search marketers knew that quality, valuable, and useful content should target a particular group of people.

Optimize for informational keywords and improve your search ranking by writing resourceful and detailed content while supplementing it with descriptive meta description and title tags.

This process attracts raving fans, gets your content shared on social media platforms, and garners relevant and high-authority links naturally.

If you want to write resourceful and detailed content, follow the guide below:

Use Data-Driven Articles

According to ConversionXL, data-driven approach can increase your traffic.

Back up facts with accurate data so that people will see your content as authoritative and share it on social media, expanding your organic reachThis post on how to create and promote an infographic is an example of data-driven content.

Other examples of data-driven content include:

The Science of Productivity
5 Things You’re Measuring Incorrectly with Digital Analytics and What To Do About It
7 Proven Strategies To Increase Your Blog’s Traffic By 206%

The resources below will help you to backup your content with accurate data:

Aim to include newer stats — less than three years old is ideal.

You can even micro-target content. For example, if a blogger experiments with niche marketing, take it a step further and try niche marketing with an aged domain name, then write it up.

Use Storytelling

Stories can captivate your audience, evoke emotions, and improve your conversion rate.

Here’s how to tell a story that captivates your audience:

Begin with something unique: Start your story with a unique message that resonates with your audience. Ideally, this should connect with your audience’s questions or pain points.

Infuse Your Own Experiences: It’s called a story for a good reason. Use your own experiences (whether good or bad) as part of the message. No fakery allowed!

Jon Morrow used this on-page SEO content technique to grow his blog to 1,740 loyal subscribers in just seven days. Here’s the post that helped him connect with his audience: How To Quit Your Job, Move To Paradise, and Get Paid To Change The World.

Add a Call-to-Action (CTA): Every story must have an ending. Once you capture your readers’ attention, they expect you to share the solution. After all, your story is supposed to solve a problem, not nurture it.

Use a call-to-action link or button to lead people to your funnel and convert them. MatchOffice increased its conversion rate by 14.79% by changing its CTA copy.

improve google ranking with out penalties with cta examle

Unbounce provides some more examples of actionable CTA buttons to replace your generic ones:

improve google ratings without getting penalized CTA button examles

Write Shareable Headlines

Google has made a lot of changes to search rankings, but one element remains crucial: the headline.

If you write a shareable headline for your post, nothing can stop it from getting clicked, read, and shared by true fans.

Peep Laja of ConversionXL increased his conversion rate by changing the word “today” to “now” in a headline. It also helped him increase sales by 332%.

Headlines truly win the clicks.

Even if your web page is ranked at #1 in Google for page content, that doesn’t mean you’ll get the most clicks.

On-page SEO gets you in the running but the title can convert impressions to clicks.

Let’s search for the term how to outsource. Note that the most clickable headline is in position #2.

improve google ratings with catchy headlines example

The perfect example of a website that uses shareable headlines to boost conversion rate is Upworthy.

I’ve used Buzzsumo to analyze Upworthy’s headlines. Check out the amazing number of shares the first article has racked up.

improve google rankings with headline analysis

If I wanted to craft a better headline for my own content, here’s what I’d do:

Add numbers: Upworthy’s post was shared over 1.6 million times on Facebook because it has a definite number. If the headline was “Americans are Completely Wrong About This Mind-Blowing Fact,” I’m sure the total number of social media shares would be lower.

Here are some more examples. When I wrote this post, these headlines were ranked in the Google top 10 for their respective keywords. But, a simple tweak would result in a higher click-through rate.

Original headline:

SEO Basics For Optimizing Your Site

Let’s add some numbers:

  • 6 SEO Basic Tips For Optimizing Your Site
  • 12 SEO Basics You Need To Optimize Your Site

Original headline:

  • Freelance Writing Tips For Stay-at-Home Moms
  • Freelance Writing Jobs To Make Money

Let’s add some numbers

  • 5 Freelance Writing Tips To Help Stay at Home Moms Make Money
  • 10 Freelance Writing Jobs You Can Make Money From

Invoke Curiosity: Curiosity will cause people to click your headline, but do it with caution and make sure that you deliver on the promise of your headline with quality content.

For example, if your title is:

Top 7 Body Building Secrets You Didn’t Know

Then make sure that you reveal the ‘7’ secrets, and ideally, what you reveal needs to be new or unique.

Create a Multimedia Experience

While regular blogging is important, don’t settle there.

Hone in on your keywords to learn the questions that brought your visitors to your site. Then use diverse types of content to answer those questions, like:

  • Videos
  • Guides
  • Ebooks
  • Infographics
  • Webinars
  • Demos
  • Checklists
  • Email series
  • Animated GIFs
  • Comics
  • Podcasts

For a comprehensive list, see HubSpot’s 20 types of lead generation content, as well as 14 types of experimental content that you should try out.

improve google ranking with multimedia content graphic

Abolish Duplicate Content

Use tools like CopyscapeSiteLiner, and Screaming Frog to make sure you’re not repeating yourself.

While the occasional duplicate content won’t destroy your rankings, you’ll be doing yourself a favor by showing Google each piece of content is original, relevant, and useful.

Once you have great on-page SEO content that includes informational and transactional keywords and tells a story that appeals to your audience, it’s time to build links the right way to improve Google rankings.

Earlier, I showed you how to analyze links to your site using SEOprofiler.

Here’s another analysis I did for Business Insiders site.

improve google rankins link profile example

Note that it shows a range of different types of anchor text for inbound links.

That’s exactly what you need to build links the right way and improve Google rankings.

Here are some of the ways to do that and the types of links that you need.

Anchor text linking (in-text links): Anchor text links are simple links that appear within the content. See an example below…

improve google rankings wiht anchor text links

I’ve found placing anchor text links “above-the-fold,” can increase conversion rates.

The anchor text linking strategy is mostly used when you’re looking to rank for a particular keyword.

You can use your target keyword as anchor text, but to be on the safe side and avoid penalties with the search algorithm, mix it up with generic keywords.

For example, if your primary keyword is digital camera reviews, when building your links from another site, link naturally like this: find the best digital camera reviews, top digital camera brands, etc.

A good mix is smart on-page SEO.

Internal Links: External links (that is links from other sites to yours) are important, but internal links are also important. Make sure to link to important internal pages using optimized anchor text when it makes sense.

Editorial Links: Creating useful content and sharing it through social media naturally results in valuable inbound links.

A good example is the post on 200 ranking factors that Brian Dean wrote. It’s been cited multiple times.

Increase Domain Authority Rank high in Google

improve google ranking with editorial links example

For Google, what other people say about you is much more important and relevant than what you say about yourself to improve Google rankings.

Over the years, I have created thousands of rich, data-driven, and useful blog content.

If you search for anything related to content marketing, Quick Sprout and pop up, which means that I get a lot of editorial links.

Copyblogger links out to useful and relevant resource posts that contribute to the engagement that they already have with their audience.

improve google rakings example of links

I strongly believe that the site owners didn’t do anything to get those editorial links.

They simply earned the links because of the usefulness of their content. Focus on exceptional content if you want to earn links that will improve the rank of your web pages.

Scale link building: Link diversity is the ultimate way to generate Google-friendly links and improve Google rankings while staying off the penalty radar.

This tutorial from SEMrush will show you how to ethically build links to improve Google ranking.

Old techniques, like directory submission, forum marketing, wiki sites, and even guest blogging and press releases don’t work and they also put you at risk for a Google penalty.

To get a diverse inbound link profile, write page content that will gain links from local, regional, and international sites relevant to your own.

Then, you’ll build a natural link profile with natural, targeted on-page SEO that will withstand anything Google throws at it.


Unlocking the Google search ranking has a certain level of mystique. The key to unlocking higher Google rankings without getting slapped with a penalty boils down to being useful and memorable.

Take the time truly understand your target audience and their desires.

Do the research needed to identify the long-tail keywords they’re using to get to your site.

Once you have this info, you can create killer content to meet their needs, solve their problems, and keep them coming back for more.

Keep churning out great content and promoting it with all you’ve got.

Lather, rinse, repeat, and you’ll dominate search engines while avoiding Google penalties from algorithm updates.

How did your site do in the most recent Google update? Did you see any change in rankings, traffic, and conversions?

  • Do you want more traffic?

Hey, I’m Khaled El Rasatmi. I’m determined to make a business grow. My only question is, will it be yours?

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